General weather situation today

General weather situation today

General weather situation today

A high pressure field will remain over the Alps, but with more humid air masses arriving from the north.

Weather situation today

In the course of the day, the sun will appear over most of the territory. On the northern sectors, clouds will prevail.

Wheater forecast South Tyrol Max. 8°C
Min. -2°C

Mountain weather today

High pressure and dry air masses will determine the weather conditions during the beginning of the new week. Very sunny weather with excellent visibility. Residual clouds on the border ridge will tend to dissipate.

Temperature in 2.000 meters: -4°C
Temperature in 3.000 meters: -10°C
0°C limit: 1400 meters

Weather tomorrow

Sunny weather with only a few harmless clouds in the sky.

Wheater forecast South Tyrol Max. 9°C
Min. -2°C

Weather development

Tuesday generally sunny weather. Wednesday often sunny, although some irregular cloudiness will pass through the sky. Sun and clouds will alternate on Thursday. Very sunny weather is expected on Friday with generally clear skies.

19.02.2025 20.02.2025 21.02.2025
Wheater forecast South Tyrol Wheater forecast South Tyrol Wheater forecast South Tyrol
Max. 11°C
Min. -11°C
Max. 10°C
Min. -10°C
Max. 12°C
Min. -8°C

Express request
Via Gasser Gregor - 39010 Nalles - South Tyrol - Italy
Fax +39 0471 678 217 -